Value Proposition
Why use Quantix?For whom is Quantix? What makes Quantix stand outHow Quantix work
Platform overviewQuantization PhaseFree MarketNFT purchaseFee Distribution$QNTX TokenQuantix featuresHow to Use the Platform
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What makes Quantix stand out
Comparison between Quantix and other similar platforms in the market such as Traditional NFT Marketplaces, NFT Fractionalization platforms, NFT Liquidity protocols and NFT Lending protocols.
Quantix compared to Traditional Marketplace
Quantix compared to NFT-Fi models
- Quantix compared to NFT Fractionalization protocols.
- Quantix compared to NFT liquidity protocols.
- Quantix compared to NFT lending protocols.
Quantix compared to Other projects/solutions
- Quantix compared to Pandora ERC404 (coming soon)
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