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How to Stake QNTX
Follow these steps to learn how Quantix Supercharger works:
1) If you don't own any QNTX tokens you can buy some on Sushiswap
2) Go to Quantix Staking section
3) Connect Wallet (top right)
4) Select the amount of QNTX you want to stake click “approve contract” and confirm the transaction with your wallet.
5) Once you have approved the contract the first time, you can just click “stake my QNTX” and confirm the transaction with your wallet.
- How to Stake QNTX
- 1) If you don't own any QNTX tokens you can buy some on Sushiswap
- 2) Go to Quantix Staking section
- 3) Connect Wallet (top right)
- 4) Select the amount of QNTX you want to stake click “approve contract” and confirm the transaction with your wallet.
- 5) Once you have approved the contract the first time, you can just click “stake my QNTX” and confirm the transaction with your wallet.