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How to Buy Quantization Phase Shares at a lower price P2P
During the free market you can always buy new fractions from the Quantix vAMM. Sometimes, however, it will be possible to find fractions sold by QP backers at a discount compared to the market price. The difference with fractions purchased from the vAMM is that the first can only be sold P2P while the latter are always and immediately liquid.
To buy QP fraction with discount when available follow these steps:
1)Go to the explore page and apply the correct filter or simply go here:
2) Click “Buy QP share” (as shown in the image below)
3) Select the amount of fractions you want to buy (step 1 of the image below)
4) Confirm by clicking “approve” (step 2 of the image below)
5) Sign off with your wallet the transaction
Now you own NFT fractions from the Quantization Phase
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Stake QNTX- How to Buy Quantization Phase Shares at a lower price P2P
- 1)Go to the explore page and apply the correct filter or simply go here:
- 2) Click “Buy QP share” (as shown in the image below)
- 3) Select the amount of fractions you want to buy (step 1 of the image below)
- 4) Confirm by clicking “approve” (step 2 of the image below)
- 5) Sign off with your wallet the transaction